there is a new guy in my life. His name is Bob and he lives on my desk in my office at work! I love him! He was gift from my coworkers. His tank looks so bare, I have since added a live plant that flowers and has take over! He watches me work and swims to the surface when I feed him. He defiantly brightens my days!
And now a tour of my office the first day of my promotion. I should take new pictures, it looks so diffident now! Sorry they are blurry, I was excited!
I totally deserve all the confetti! I have messed up many many many others work spaces for birthdays and anniversaries! Pay back is a bitch!
These are the most beautiful flowers I have every been gifted with! It was so nice that my birthday fell on the same week! I got lots of pretties for my office!
Another gift! :)
Regret: Yesterday, eating Thai food that was too hot for me, but I ate anyway cause I was that hungry!
To Do List: 1.) Make a to do list... I have my premade camping list done, but I need a food list for this trip.
Love: The many bracelets my dear friend Andrea gave me. I jingled all over the office today!
Movie: ParaNorman. I saw 6 names I knew!
Create: Nothing, I had good ideas for jalapeno popcorn. yumm
What have I missed with you? Seen any good movies?
love the RETRO stapler