17 Euphemisms for Sex From the 1800s My faves are Brush, Blow the Grounsils, Green Gown and Face-Making.
I also found a great blog about how people blog... Awesome huh? How They Blog is lots of interviews from bloggers on what they do. This is why I love blogs! I want to know what makes people tick. I was also reading sillygrrl about how to start a blog. I totally agree with No auto-play music!!! Hate that...
I know Shark Week is over but I have been savoring all the shows. Watching them slowly. This week I watched Alien Sharks Megamouth. So much better than Megaladon... It was amazing to see these deep water giants make it to the surface. Look out shrimp! They are hungry...
I made friends with this little cricket at the wedding. He trapped me in my tent... Not cool! I was able to escape on my own but it took 4 people to shake my little tent enough to get him out! Well three people shaking and me doing a creeped out dance. We also found 3 earwigs! GROSS!!!! Thanks Sheila, Shelly and Mike for saving me! I have great friends!
What did you learn this week?
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