Friday, August 23, 2013

What I Learned This Week: I am Just Looking for a Brush

     gone camping!  Woohooo!  I am in great need of some fresh air and some water to swim in!  Granted I will be bringing my computer and writing, excited to get the heck out of dodge!

17 Euphemisms for Sex From the 1800s  My faves are Brush, Blow the Grounsils, Green Gown and Face-Making.

I am in love with this Youtube cooking channel.  I like Raw. Vegan. Not Gross the best!  Laura Miller is adorable!  I like her dry sense of humor and that she refuses to eat on camera!  Cute!

I also found a great blog about how people blog...  Awesome huh?  How They Blog is lots of interviews from bloggers on what they do.  This is why I love blogs!  I want to know what makes people tick.  I was also reading sillygrrl about how to start a blog.  I totally agree with No auto-play music!!!  Hate that...

I know Shark Week is over but I have been savoring all the shows.  Watching them slowly.  This week I watched Alien Sharks Megamouth.  So much better than Megaladon...  It was amazing to see these deep water giants make it to the surface.  Look out shrimp!  They are hungry...

I made friends with this little cricket at the wedding.  He trapped me in my tent...  Not cool!  I was able to escape on my own but it took 4 people to shake my little tent enough to get him out!  Well three people shaking and me doing a creeped out dance.  We also found 3 earwigs!  GROSS!!!!  Thanks Sheila, Shelly and Mike for saving me!  I have great friends!

What did you learn this week?

heart you

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