Friday, January 31, 2014

For the Love of Fridays: Learning is limited...

     well hello there!  I remember you.  Do you remember me?  I sure hope so.  So I used to write on Fridays about things I learned that week.  This a fun topic but there were things I wanted to add, like things that were funny or items for my wishlist.  I decided to mix it up and change it to For the Love of Fridays.  I hope you like it as much as I do!  

I went back to pub trivia this week and was reminded just how unsmart I am.  There is always a Greek God question.  Why do I learn more about them?  

//\\ Loves //\\

I want this shirt, its true Pluto...

Cause shark heels.

I would want the red one.  To be the unknown ensign.  

I have to try this!  The other 27 DIY Beauty Hacks seem interesting too.  

Dont call it a comeback...  
heart you


  1. Yay! A new post! You got to get the the shark heels, those are so you!!



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